Tribe Talk

Blog Vibe
Evie McRae

New Levels of Gratitude

Since Angus’s mishap last Thursday, Mr P and I have experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions. We have operated as a unit – see-sawing between stable

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Blog Vibe
Evie McRae

Seeing things in a new light

Hello, hello beautiful souls. How are you all?  I wanted to check in and find out what’s happening in everyone’s lives right now.  In my

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Aries energy
Blog Vibe
Evie McRae

Solar Eclipse in Aries –

Hello beautiful souls. Just a little reminder we have a solar eclipse happening in the cardinal sign of Aries. I tend to consider eclipses as

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Blog Vibe
Evie McRae

Trust the signs

Today’s date – 29th January – has long held its own energy. It was the last time I held my mum’s hand as she slipped

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