Reiki Australia’s brave new world (ok … website)

Reiki Australia

Some of you may know I am a member of Reiki Australia and I also work across their branding and marketing communications on a voluntary basis.  Last year the Board made the decision to move to their website to a new platform, though of course being a not-for-profit, the budget was extremely limited. If any of you design and build websites yourself you know how complex and expensive these projects can be, particularly when it comes to customisation or design.

As someone who is quite at home building WordPress sites and creating content for corporate websites I took the project on – thinking in my naivety – this would be a six-month stint. Suffice to say it was a slightly longer and much more challenging project than anticipated.

This wasn’t anyone’s ‘fault’ – just the nature of not-for-profits. Consistency across processes can be an issue when people are kindly donating time and with the best intentions. It was actually quite a learning curve for me dealing with things that were out with my control. Let’s be honest, trying to unravel things can be therapeutic but only if you approach the task in hand in the appropriate manner.

Just as the website was actually getting somewhere I had to have a hysterectomy – so this slowed the process somewhat again. I began wondering if this project was ever going to end. Something that started off so innocently, yet the whole project now played out like a game of snakes and ladders.

Still – as the saying goes – everything happens at exactly the right time in exactly the right way.

So a year later – I can finally launch Reiki Australia’s website with all its shiny new functionality such as an online store, volunteers and donations page plus social media integration – so lots for people to explore. It truly is a website for the modern age of Reiki – a spiritual practice and healing modality that is no longer consigned to the ‘out there’ pile. It’s finding its place once more among the mainstream and that can only be a good thing. We often have to evolve to stay relevant and Reiki Australia’s website was the case in point.

I’m all about ‘Transformation’ as you know – so it really did give me real joy – to help transform Reiki Australia’s website and create a more contemporary look and feel. Through this new look and updated functionality, Reiki Australia will address the changing needs of our members and hopefully attract the attention of a few new members along the way.

As I contemplate my own recent transformation, I’m looking ahead, (from the top of my ladder you might say) and I’m looking forward to a new phase of my life. It strikes me this is perfect synchronicity – positive, forward-looking energy to imbue the Reiki website with!

It’s never been a more exciting time to join Reiki Australia so why not ask me for details at your next Reiki session with me. Alternatively, check out the link below and visit Reiki Australia’s new website. I’d love to hear what you think.

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