Happy New Year beautiful souls. I hope you are all rested after the festivities and that you are feeling ready to face and embrace 2025.
Well, I say “embrace” … maybe it’s more a case of “hold on tight and strap yourself in”. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a turbulent flight ahead. There may be many turbulent flights ahead … Allow me to explain.
I know I promised you my annual reading for the collective but I have a little confession to make. I sat down on the 30th December to do ‘said’ reading but when I saw the cards that came through and the messages I was starting to channel – I’m afraid I just said – “nope – I don’t want to bring this through right now” … it’s too much …and I put the cards back in the deck. It just seemed that all the murky cards had come to the surface and I thought hmm … let’s do this another day.
It’s not something I ever do. I read the cards as they fall but there was a huge part of me that just wanted to share a different story for the first half of 2025. Let’s face it – nobody wants to be the harbinger of heavy messages. 🫶 I felt “enough already”. Have we not seen enough of those murky energies? Have we not seen enough death, fear, panic … enough pain?
Since then I’ve contemplated my reaction and asked for guidance on whether to share the original message – or how to proceed. The message I received from my Guide was loud and clear – “events will unfold whether you share the message or not, “this is already in progress” – so share the message with love and wisdom.”
To this end, I will provide a small window into what’s coming up in January so I am at least sharing what I received … but I will do another reading for the rest of the year – once January (and the beginning of February) has done its thing. As you read this – keep in mind – YOU will be fine. This is not something that is going to affect you personally – this is a reading of energies in the collective – at a “global” level – in fact, I almost want to say at a Universal or Galactic level …
To make sense of it all, you need to go back to last year’s Reading which sets the scene for what’s about to unfold. We had “Oppression” in November with the Hermit in December last year. I was shown this relates to the US election but not in the way we think. [And whatever you think will depend on which side you are on – but this oppression (or suppression) is bigger than that]. There are some BIG changes about to take place in January – as a result of that election.
I am not normally one to shy away from the Death card as nine times out of ten it means transformation or the end of something rather than a physical death. Of course, there are times when the death card does indeed mean physical death depending on its placement. When you are doing a Reading for the collective you have to take channelled guidance on what this card means on a global scale. There’s no point in unsettling people when the death is symbolic or metaphorical – or when a door HAS to close for another to open.
But – as I said last year, we are going to be tested on our acceptance of death and transformation, in our personal lives or on a global scale – in our families or in our global leaders and mentors (this was last year). So to see the death card appear so prominently this year again seemed to signal a continuation of what came up last year – or perhaps things that came up in the cards last year have not quite finished playing out. I’m hearing – “unfinished business”.
The “death” may be the death of democracy – or the death of a “leader” or leadership qualities … early in the year death may mean death of a President/ Monarch or Religious Leader)… there may be a collective “death” of concepts/values or even a belief system. I’m not exaggerating when I say the death of democracy …But whatever the death is – it means change – and this change wakes up those who are still sleeping!
There have been things planned or orchestrated in the background that will emerge front and centre in January and February and these things may be a surprise because everything had gone a bit quiet – where normally there is a lot of noise or “chatter”.
Other than this message, I have made the decision to let January/February play out as it’s going to … I don’t want to incite fear because there’s nothing to fear – this really does not “affect” us in our current reality – but we will bear witness to what will unfold. Before any moment of transformation there is often resistance (just as I resisted the message in the cards in the first place)– so keep that in mind. You may recall I talked about the snake last year. When provoked … keep this in mind too. Ah, interesting I’m being reminded it is Year of the Snake coming up too …
I’d rather be the calm in the chaos and I’d rather manifest an alternative timeline but here we are – so I will do another reading when things settle – and they will settle.
Suffice to say, I believe January (and much of February) is going to be shaky. I hate to say I’m feeling 9/11 energies but that’s not to say something that significant is about to happen so don’t worry – but there is definitely a “disturbance in the air”. My advice is hold on and allow whatever unfolds to unfold. Be a witness but do not dive into the fear. As a collective we will come through the other side – much changed – but we will come through it. This. my friends is what you signed up for when you put your hands up to come to earth at this time!
Transformation is a vital part of life and none of us can hold it back – even if we choose not to acknowledge it or we try to hide from it.
My last New Year reading was called “Holding the Light of Humility of Hope” – my feeling is – we are at the pointy end – where things “hinted” at last year will come into sharp focus now.
Hold the light because the Divine Feminine will rise from the ashes of what is about to unfold. The Age of Aquarius (2026) will soon be upon us. There is always hope and love.
Big love to you all. I’ll be back over the coming days x
#lightmygaia #gaiaslightspiritualconsultancy #guidingyouhomeome