Letting go of fear in times of uncertainty …

release the fear

We’re all being called up to do our bit – to do things differently in an effort to safeguard the vulnerable people in society and ensure we don’t put a strain on our respective healthcare systems.

Everyone reacts differently to change – some view it as a scary time – others embrace it and go with the flow.

I remember many years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter a kindly midwife said to me, “the whole birthing experience is determined by the attitude of the mother. If she is stressed and apprehensive then you can guarantee she’s going to have a stressful delivery. If she focusses on the end result of holding her baby in her arms at the end of it all, and embraces nature at its most miraculous, then her delivery will be a whole different experience.”

It was the best piece of advice anyone ever gave me during that time.  

Don’t get me wrong – I didn’t just compliantly say – ‘ok then – I won’t be scared about the fact there’s a person growing inside me and it’s got to come out one way or another.’ You don’t just stop being apprehensive because someone tells you to stop.

A quick aside here. I wasn’t even remotely scared of the physicality of giving birth – no not until I attended one of the hospital’s mandatory ante-natal clinics and was shown graphic footage of women giving birth in cinematic surround sound.  How the *bleep* is this helpful? I thought as I looked around at my fellow audience – all looking similarly horrified. Yes thank you for those wall-to-wall images that can never be scrubbed from my mind. 

Anyway, I digress. After that chat with the midwife, I realised she was right. I couldn’t control anything else – except my attitude to the situation in that moment. 

When we realise this we are in a place to take responsibility – to ensure we do our bit for the hoped for outcome (aligning ourself with our desire you might say). Whether that’s eating properly, staying active and healthy in mind, body and spirit – or listening to advice and recommendations without collapsing into fear. When we realise this we are in a place to actually look for the tools that will support us maintain that mindset.  

This situation is no different. We’re all in that room – that poleaxed audience in the face of unfolding events – some of us are feeling powerless, some are anxious and some are panicking. There are others taking this day by day – using the tools they always use in challenging times. 

Before we get to actual ‘tools’, the best advice I can offer right now is try not to get swept up in the ‘panic’ of it all. If we have learned anything from watching 24 hour news play over accidents or traumatic events, it’s that seeing it on the screen like that non-stop, we are subjecting ourselves to the fear again- or we may even create the fear in the first place (remember my experience in the ante-natal clinic?).

And how do our brains reaction to trauma and fear? It activates the survival response. Everything becomes heightened – and I mean everything. It’s as if we are on high alert day and night. Our bodies are not meant to function in a continuous state of fear and ‘high alert’. Some people get addicted to that high so they need more drama (they just don’t realise it) – and so it goes on.

The adrenalin and cortisol flooding into our bloodstream is useful when our lives are in immediate danger but over time, if we don’t rest and allow our body to ‘reset’ itself then we soon find ourselves out of alignment.

  • Take a step back from 24 hour news. Check in once or even twice to keep up-to-date – but don’t play the news channels all day.
  • Reframe the narrative. If you are in a situation where you have to stay at home, try to reframe the situation in your mind. Instead of being fearful, see the enforced time at home as an opportunity. Perhaps this is the time to begin writing. A time to read those books, learn something new on the Internet – there are so many courses out there.  Maybe that decorating project you’ve been putting off can move to the top of your to-do list?
  • Stay connected. If you have to spend periods alone, reach out to someone or join a Facebook Group like Rock the Lockdown. Skype and Zoom, FaceTime – all provide the opportunity for face-to-face consultations or interactions and the apps are Free to download on your phone or computer.
  • Count your blessings. It’s an old fashioned term for what we call ‘gratitude’ nowadays. When you wake up in the morning think of THREE things you are grateful for. This practice literally re-wires your brain and helps promote a more upbeat mindset.
  • Take a deep breath and look at the situation logically – from a place of ‘fact-based’ evidence. All we are being asked to do is protect the vulnerable people around us and be a responsible human being. Think of it on that level. Then take each day as it comes. The only thing that exists is the present moment. That is what we have control over.
  • You are more resilient than you realise. You will get through this.
  • You are not alone. Even if you are in isolation right now there are others in the same boat around you. My mother taught me to be the child to make friends with the new kid at school because no matter how awkward you feel – you will have made a difference to that child’s first day. Even if you are never normally the one to reach out – take a chance and reach out to people online (Messenger/Emails/A wave through the window – perhaps get imaginative and start something that others can share – like the 8pm clapping for the health professionals we have seen around the world). It might even be the start of a new and beautiful friendship.

In terms of tools – mindfulness, breathing and meditation cannot be emphasised enough. Particularly Box Breathing. If you want to know more about Box Breathing or any other tools to equip you in the face of these challenging times, just drop me a line, look out for updates on my Facebook Page – or listen to the Free meditation I have provided at the end of this article. 

I’m here too – offering distance healings and readings and general chit chat throughout this time to whoever needs it. I will also be offering heavily discounted rates on Distance sessions for Reiki and Akashic Healings/Readings so look out for that in the coming days and weeks. Your healing, growth and transformation does not need to stop in the face of lockdown/isolation – indeed it may accelerate through this time. 

So – ready to release that fear? And breathe … 1, 2, 3, 4.

Click here for the Free Nature Meditation on YouTube.

Love & Light  x


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