It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since Searching Spirit was published. I think enough time has gone by to say, I was proud of this book. Not just because of the success it enjoyed (though that is always lovely) but more because of the  “healing” journey Pete went on as a result of the process.   Not only could I map out where the “real” story was in his life experiences, but I could see where there were still opportunities for healing along the way – and Pete discovered a few of his own. He had a few “oh my god” moments I can tell you.

For those wishing to write a book these ‘opportunities’ typically present themselves as blocks or fears in the writing process. Typically a writer will balk and say, “Oh I can’t say this” or “I’d better not say that…” There’s something about committing our truth” or our “lived experience” to the page, that makes people run and hide. It’s at this stage many would-be writers give up by saying the immortal lines “who’d want to hear my story anyway?”  

As a ghostwriter and memoir mentor, I kept coming across people who wanted to write a book, but always struggled when it came to being “real” or authentic in their narrative. So many people want to be seen as “good” or “nice” or “spiritual”, but that’s not real life – and for the most part, potential readers either find this boring or can’t relate. Either way, they switch off and put the book down.

I began noticing this pattern more and more. I realised, everyone has a great story inside them, but few are “healed” enough to share that story in an honest way – or in a way that could help others. It felt like there was a missing step in the writing process for those who had experienced pain, trauma or for those who still had unhealed parts of themselves.

I decided to draw on all my ‘professional’ skills across writing (and I think it’s important to stress that I am a real human being with qualifications – i.e. not AI), my years of study, and personal experience, in trauma therapy, as well as my work as an Akashic Records practitioner, to create a range of workshops and mini exploration sessions. Slowly, yet consciously, a unique ‘heal with writing’ modality called Write from Source came into being.

"As a ghostwriter and memoir mentor, I kept coming across people who wanted to write a book, but always struggled when it came to being “real” or authentic in their narrative. So many people want to be seen as “good” or “nice” or “spiritual”, but that’s not real life"

I created a framework that enabled me to provide each would-be writer with a personalised approach  – to help others  use writing as a tool for healing and transformation, before they decide whether they can commit their truth to the page in a Memoir or blog. These sessions help identify the empowering or compelling story – and sometimes the  “unstoried story” to reveal their  authentic voice.


In the business world of publishing, your agent or publisher doesn’t care about your fears or traumas, they just want to know if your book is a good business proposition. But I care! If you have a story inside you that still causes pain, I can help. I also care about all those other souls you came here to help – by sharing your voice and your story.


If you are not a good writer (technically), there are ways around that. I can either ghostwrite your story in your voice so that your experiences are still shared with your audience, or I can mentor you and sit with you in writing sessions as you begin to play with the connection between words and what your soul came here to share. I have to say, the latter is probably my preferred way of working – purely because you, yourself will feel and experience the changes as I take you through the Write from Source process. You will then be equipped to go on and write many more stories yourself and help others. BUT, if you have an important message for the collective and need someone to just take over the reins of writing, I am more than happy to get my ghost writing hat on.


Memoir in particular is all about the transformation… it’s about the times you failed, or the times you were a thoroughly unpleasant person to be around, it’s about what you learned along the way and ultimately, what you changed in your journey to succeed. If your learnings can help others – then you have the connection you’re looking for. Isn’t that what life’s all about? 

"Throughout the whole writing process, Evie not only captured my voice, but she helped me tell my story in a way I would have never known was possible. I cannot recommend her highly enough and I know who I will be contacting when it’s time for book number two.”

What's your story?

If you would like to explore Write from Source further, feel free to get in touch. It costs nothing to chat.