Hello beautiful souls how are you? I’m genuinely asking, with love, … how are you? If you have already had a full-on emotional meltdown today I hope you are feeling much better and I hope my post provides a little comfort. You’re not losing it … well no more than usual. You see, today is all about the Full Moon here in Australia – but it’s not just any Full Moon … oh no….we have a Super Moon (in Pisces no less) combined with eclipse energies … We couldn’t see the eclipse here but many of us have been feeling these heady energies building just the same.

If you’ve been bottling things up, or feeling the weight of your emotions lately, you can guarantee these lunar energies are going to push you over the edge.  If you are a water sign or a mutable sign like Gemini (yup), Virgo, or my beautiful Sagittarius friends (and family) things are bound to be feeling somewhat overwhelming right now. It’s not something to fear though (as long as you haven’t gone on an emotionally destructive rampage). I don’t know about you, but personally speaking, I always feel much better once I’ve released these emotions. There’s a feeling of ‘right, I’ve got that out of my system. I’ve released whatever it was I was holding on to, now it’s time to pick myself up and get on with things.’ With this in mind, this evening would be a great time to set some intentions. You’ve released what you don’t want – what is it that you do want? How are you going to achieve it?

This is a beautifully spiritual time with the changing of the seasons and new beginnings, so if you are riding the emotional rollercoaster today, embrace it – Mother Moon is working through you. Allow yourself to be cleansed. If you feel one door is closing, another is opening. My advice is to be true to who you are. Don’t swim against the tide of your inner knowing …. Just go with your inner flow.

Feel free to go out there and howl at the moon, or bathe yourself under the moon’s light … and then release. If you’d like to read what I wrote last year about the Full moon in Pisces, you can read it here. Making Moon Water to Honour the Holy Mother

Failing that, there’s always a good book, Netflix, wine and chocolate until you feel better equipped to deal with the world again. That sounds like a great ‘self-care’ plan to me. Big love to you all <3