Hello beautiful souls how are you doing? Are you making the most of the manifestation energies in play at this moment? We are still in this “planting the seed” window, right up until the Full moon on 14th March.(Remember the time of the Full moon will be slightly different depending on where you are located). Here in Hobart we will also see a partial Lunar Eclipse – whereas some of you lucky people may see a full lunar eclipse.
Lunar eclipses are significant as they offer an opportunity to cleanse your “emotional waters” by releasing core wounds and moving beyond old pains. Release anything in your life that holds you back or is an echo of “old stuff” …
Time to Release your Emotions
Your current emotional cycle will be reset (thank the Goddess for that …lol) It is a time to embrace Change …hopefully you are already busily planting those seeds of change right now whether it’s in your personal life, in the community or in the wider world.
If you are a witchy type like me a Lunar eclipse is one the best times to connect with the Goddess and the hidden mysteries, but remember to bring in your grounding crystals such as Obsidian – just so you can discern the truth and shine your light in the darkness without attracting “Uncle Tom Cobbley and all” (or what we call Trolls nowadays …lol)
De-clutter your Life
I finally de-cluttered and re-set my altar and the studio feels so PEACEFUL and calm now … we need more of that around us right now … peace and calm. It’s amazing how that ripple of peaceful energy can permeate your energetic body and your mind. You may feel that deep sigh of contentment by de-cluttering around this time.
Manifesting your reality is particularly important at this time. In all of my readings recently, I’ve been sharing messages not only conveyed through the cards, but looking at the planetary influences too. We were approaching a point – an “echo” or imprint of a time when Humanity was not at its finest …put it that way.
Learning from the Past
Indeed I have seen posts saying “If you ever wondered what actions you would take/or role you would play when Hitler came to power … you’re doing it now.” Oooh – that’s stark isn’t it? While I do not wish to stoke the fires of such deep feelings in ‘both camps’ perhaps there is an ‘echo’ of truth about that statement.
I don’t have the answers other than the things I feel in my gut about what is right and what is wrong. Even amongst my friends and family, we all feel different things and believe different ‘truths’ … each of us believing we know the facts – therefore we are on the side of the truth and the righteous. I’m sure you have experienced this in your circle. There’s frustration and divisiveness all around.
My advice here is – don’t allow yourself to be divided from your friends and loved ones … but be open and be loving in your communications. I will say, I have seen in my collective readings that we do indeed need to walk through the fire (I’m hearing Baptism of Fire) before we herald in the peace, joy and love promised by the Age of Aquarius. The question is, will the fire be easily controlled and extinguished, or will it spread out of control? Let us hold the light and manifest Peace.
In the January and February Reading I spoke of endings & death … death of democracy … death of a “leader” (religious/monarch/political)… but as this energy expands … it seems endings/transformation/death of the world order, symbolic death of the powers that were may also be the path we are walking. The cards didn’t pull any punches which is why I didn’t want to share that reading for the start of 2025 …but I hope you find some comfort in knowing … this HAS to happen in order for humanity to evolve. It has always been thus – from great darkness we evolve and emerge into the light we awaken. My timings may be out slightly but I do still feel those energies around death very present … but then … that was the message of 2025 … we have all had a masterclass in endings/transformation/death/grief and loss those past two or three years haven’t we?
We are at a crossroads – you may be at a crossroads in your own life since everything IS connected. There is still a manifestation window in which humanity can show they have learned from the past – there is still a manifestation window for you if you wish to tap into it.
Plant the Seeds of Peace
Come the Full Moon, we will be in an energy of completion, transformation and letting go … I wish you healing, love and joy in your life. You still have time to plant the seeds of Peace. Start with compassion, love and openness with those around you who see things differently … It’s hard I know, but if we at least hold the intent to try … your energetic ripple will be felt where it is needed most in the world.
Meanwhile, I do hope you enjoy the peace and serenity of my less messy altar. Love & Light to you all.