Cups of Divine Love

Hello beautiful souls, it’s been a while since I’ve been on social media. I hope you have all been well in the interim. When I last spoke to you, I had a poorly hound dog. It was a very scary time for us all as we wondered whether he would be able to walk again. I won’t bring all that heart-wrenching energy of the ups and downs to this post, other than to say, at this point in time he is doing great. It’s a day-by-day thing, but thanks to a mixture of vet treatment (holistic and traditional), as well as some strict bed rest and rehabilitation at home, he is walking and seems to have his boundless energy and vitality back. The trick now is to keep things calm and sensible while we build back some muscle mass in his hips. He responds well to Reiki too so I make sure he receives as much as he needs.

In amongst it all we’d had a month-long trip back to Scotland planned, which as you can imagine was touch and go. Miss T saved the day by coming to the vet with me and being involved in Angus’s rehabilitation so that we could confidently leave Angus in her care while we were away. We were both so grateful to Miss T, as we would not have wanted anyone outside of the family to care for our boy.

So off we flew on what seemed like THE longest trip back to the UK that I have ever experienced. Flying from Hobart and then a delay at Melbourne added significant travelling time to our journey, and then we had the added fun of a sprint through Singapore airport at midnight to catch our connecting flight. Fun, fun fun. All of that was soon forgotten though. After two or three 30-degree days in London, we headed up to Scotland for a month which was just magical. It was all about family and friends on this trip, rather than “holidaying” around Scotland, though we certainly visited plenty places given it was the height of summer.

It feels so good to have renewed such precious bonds. It also felt great to meet my niece for the first time … just before she started ‘big’ school. I am so glad I got to meet here before that huge milestone.

Alas, as with all good things, our trip came to an end. I’ll spare you the details but suffice to say there was a lot of hugging and ugly crying before we made our way back to the airport.

We are back and still a tad jet-lagged – but the break did us both good. Life is moving on and it’s now been a full year since we relocated to Tasmania. While it’s still technically winter here (there is snow on Kunanyi/Mt Wellington) there are little touches of Spring bravely making an appearance. I’ve noticed the days are slightly longer again which is very exciting.

I’ve plenty to update you on in the coming days and weeks, but for now, I just wanted to share this final note.

I took my cards with me to Scotland and thought it was fitting that out of all the cards in the deck, Rosie my niece picked the Ten of Cups.

“The family home symbolises stability and comfort, while the grassy hills signify fertility and the river marks the flow of emotion. The rainbow signals the end of difficult times and is a sign from the Divine that everything will be okay. The idyllic scene is one of true emotional fulfilment and Divine love.”

Says it all doesn’t it? Perhaps this is a message you’ve been waiting to hear. Big love to you all xxxx

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