I hope you are all well and I hope some of you can sense an energy shift, perhaps you’re even experiencing renewed positivity. Whether it’s due to the influence of the New Moon in Virgo last night, or the fact Mercury retrograde has taken its toys and left town, I know I’m feeling a ‘lighter’ energy around me than I did a few days ago. Of course that could simply be down to the glimmer of sun today, a teasing promise of a warmer breeze and a change in seasons.
Perhaps that’s why I felt inspired to give the studio a bit of Spring clean today. As the seasons change it’s good to have a bit of a reset isn’t it? Where I live on Tasmania’s East Coast, we have a temperate maritime climate which means we have four distinct seasons. Having grown up in Scotland, this feels very familiar to me, so it seems natural to pick up some of my northern hemisphere routines and traditions around the seasons which include changing up fabrics and textures as well as bringing in cooling (or warmer) colours to reflect the season.
All that said, I am still acclimatising to this seasonal factor having lived in the hot and humid temps of the NSW Central Coast for the last few years. While September is technically Spring, I’m discovering the heat switch doesn’t magically flip up to the mid-20s here. In Tasmania we find winter clings on stubbornly, relenting only just enough to give us a hint of a Spring promise here and there. I have to say, the last week has felt fairly brutal with gale-force winds and flooding around the State, but we are so grateful to have been sheltered from the worst of it. My thoughts have been with everyone affected in Tasmania and Victoria … it’s been tough for so many who are still, as I write this, without power.
We’ve also just returned from a Scottish summer holiday so I’m sure that’s why this last stage of winter was a slight shock to the system this year. Luckily Tasmania has many wild and beautiful charms that more than compensate for any unsociable Antarctic blasts (though admittedly those who have taken the brunt of these recent storms may feel differently).
So yes, I am doing a Spring clean and having a bit of a change-around in the studio today, but don’t worry, I won’t be putting the sheepskin cover or electric blanket away just yet. I’ve changed over my treatment couch (I’m planning to sell my old one, so if you are interested let me know) but the cosy, comfort factor will still be high I promise.
Hmm, let’s call it a phased Spring clean for now. That’s still worth celebrating. Wherever you are, I hope you are feeling a sense of anticipation about the season you are moving into. Even if you are moving into Autumn, it won’t be long before the sun warms your skin again.