I’ve been playing with Tarot since I was a teenager. I used to do cards for some of my friends and often for myself just ‘for fun’. As I got older, my friends started giving me feedback about how accurate the readings were, and sometimes they would ask, ‘how were you able to do that?’ All I could say was when the cards were placed down, I could see the ‘story’ unfold through the vibrant images and colours – and sometimes – I didn’t know how – but I would hear little bits of extra information. Naturally, there were times when friends would reject messages, only to come back a few months later saying …’wow do you remember when you said this?’ The whole time I was ‘playing’ I just went with it, not being too hung up on whether the messages resonated or not, but as I got older, I felt a sense of responsibility creep in. I didn’t know where I was getting the information from and sometimes it did scare me a bit – so I stopped doing them for a few years. Sometimes I would wonder how it was possible I could have known something or ‘see’ something in the cards 6 weeks or 6 months before it happened. Then when I picked them up again in my early 20s, I wanted to know more about how to do things “properly” but that just meant I was over-thinking and I never felt as “connected” doing readings this way. So, over time, I went back to my old ways of having fun with them, and the stories began to take shape again.

Fast forward a few years and I realised, the Tarot cards are just a tool to connect with Spirit. Often when the cards take form in front of me and tell me a story, I’ll hear Spirit come through and tell me something about the story I’m looking at – or about the Querent. The story I see and the messages I receive are about the “energies” and the pathways of possibilities. There are often different pathways that are possible – because we all have free will. I can show people what these pathways are, but I never tell people what to do with the information…

A Fool’s Errand …

I share this because I recently had a client call me after her reading and ask me whether she should stop seeing her current boyfriend because the cards pointed to someone new coming into her life. I was initially aghast at the thought someone had made such a literal interpretation of the reading, rather than take on board the wisdom I had taken great pains to impart through our session. It was a teaching moment for me because in that instant I was reminded not everyone comes to the cards with the same history as the Tarot reader. They may not have had a chance to develop a relationship with their cards over the years so may not know what to expect when they go for a reading. Some people may even be scared of Tarot, thinking it is dark magic. There are many uses of Tarot of course, but generally, when you come to me for a Reading, I am not going to re-arrange your life for you. The idea is you do that for yourself, based on your own, inner knowing. The cards give you an overview of the energies out there and, once presented to you, this is your opportunity to tap into how you feel about these energies. It’s your opportunity to understand how YOU feel about something as it’s reflected back to you.

Please never hand over your entire decision-making process or your fate to the cards – or your Tarot Reader. Yes, we can tap into the energies around you, and yes, occasionally, we may have a message from Spirit for you, but don’t bypass your inner knowing (gut instinct), or take short-cuts in your journey solely based on a card.

The Fool’s Journey

There are things the “Fool” must learn on their journey through the milestones of the Major Arcana, skills they must master in the inner and outer worlds. Those skills will help them evolve and become wise, enlightened, or live in abundance.

The most spiritually evolved people on this planet did not incarnate all shiny with sparkling halos. Many were nearly swallowed up by their mistakes in life, or faced self-destruction through some of the choices they made. They had to confront the Devil to free themselves and emerge out the other side, with a layer of learning they could never have accumulated had they not been to the depths.

We must travel our own journey and be aware of the possibilities and opportunities around us and ahead of us … but we must also live in the now. By taking short cuts, or making decisions based on what you think the Tarot was telling you is going to happen in 6 months – you may miss out on some joy, or some valuable lessons that make you a “vibrational match” for what was lined up to enter your life later down the track … Don’t end a relationship because “Tarot made me do it!” If you end the relationship, it’s because you were thinking it wasn’t right for you anyway. Don’t end it thinking well I’m going to meet my Knight in Shining Armour in 6 months, I’ll wait for him … that is not how Tarot is intended to be used. Tarot is intended to help you find the answers within yourself. It points to possibilities as they appear in the current energies. It’s merely a tool – or a ‘Mirror of the Soul’.

I invite you to approach Tarot in the spirit of play and openness. Marvel at the mysteries of Tarot and how it helps connect us to Source and to our creative joy. Tarot may even connect you to Spirit, but the reality is we, each of us, have the answers within – and Tarot will help you connect with that part of yourself that already knows the answers.

Much love & light. Until next time. Evie x