Ripples through humanity – the pain and privilege of being alive

Hello beautiful souls – it’s Sunday here and I don’t know about you, but I always think Sundays have a unique energy, quite different from the rest of the week. I used to think it was a time of quiet reflection, reading, writing, painting, walking and all the gentle things in life. A belief that probably stems from my Scottish upbringing and having to go to Church between the ages of 4 and 16. “It’s the Sabbath day and no work shall be done” – (especially for those who were from or lived on the Islands).

It’s fascinating, the traditions and “imprints” we carry from childhood, no doubt passed down from our own parent’s childhoods – or grannie’s childhood and other Elders in our lives. Each one’s experience creates a ripple effect down through the generations. But I digress! Sundays are unique …

Over the years of living on a property and being my own boss, well let’s just say my Highland and Island grannies would be turning in their respective graves. There is always work to be done and it seems more so on a Sunday. Spirit doesn’t give two hoots that it’s Sunday either. The Good Lord may have taken Sunday off but the bunch I converse with certainly don’t. In all fairness, I’ve never set that boundary with them that Sundays are off-limits. I do like to be available if there is an important message waiting to come through, though I am a bit sporadic in my delivery of these messages I have to admit. Except today!! I have a message to pass on today!

So – since it was Sunday … I thought I would at least go out and attempt some leisurely weeding! It wasn’t long before I was reflecting on the strange week that had just gone.

A week ago we went on a mini road trip up to The Bay of Fires. It was a good excuse to take our new car through its paces. No sooner had we arrived than I received some sad and shocking news. My cousin’s wife had passed suddenly and the news felt like a winding punch to the gut. I’m sure many of you know that feeling. You’ve been chatting and laughing with someone one day … and then … they are gone.

I had a lovely relationship with Carol. She was easy to talk to, always smiling – was one of the world’s genuinely “good and kind” people. Carol and her other half are Scots living in Australia, so there was a natural feeling of Kin even though we were miles apart geographically.

I remember falling into deep thought as we meandered around the Bay of Fires. How could I find joy in the moment when I knew people I cared about were hurting? I was still in shock myself. It was then, that I noticed a sign giving directions to a beach track – I smiled as I realised the sign had Carol’s family name on it. I knew Spirit put it there right in front of me, letting me know everything was OK. Everything was as was intended. Carol was already showing me she was around her family on the other side of Australia and her friends in Scotland. It was wonderfully affirming somehow. Naturally, I took some time to reflect at that spot, whilst also reflecting on the magic of the Universe and the beauty of the beach and trees all around me. At that moment, I also recalled when Eric passed, the Priest said, “Look for the Gift”. In that moment I felt soothed as though the leaves of the trail and the sand underfoot enveloped me. These ripples were interconnected somehow …

Carol had recently been diagnosed with MND, so yes she was ill, but we all thought there was much more time at hand. She spoke about what a blessing it was to be able to have that time to make some final memories and to say the things she needed to say. She was so optimistic, spreading joy right up until the end. I got swept up in her joy and optimism.

The gift was Carol did not suffer. I’ve come to see the true blessing of Carol’s quick and gentle passing. Shocking as it was. Isn’t that what we would want for our loved ones if they faced such a cruel battle? I am fully aware these words are a small comfort for the grief her family is living with right now but in time I know it will help. All our lives are richer for Carol’s light <3

And then, I awoke to the news that Alex Salmond had passed. His name will probably only mean something to you if you are familiar with Scottish politics, but he was my ‘political’ hero – national hero – I believed in him. He made a nation believe they were capable of being Independent from Westminster – and independence was a cause I strongly supported. I have to say, my heart has been broken on that front but that’s another story. I’m still a proud Scot at heart. This was a passionate man. A strong leader and I admired his intellect and his “social conscience”  enormously. I would loved to have spent time in his company, listening to his articulate chat and his passionate diatribes against the Tories. Again I felt the loss. I didn’t know him on a personal level of course, but it’s strange when someone passes that you don’t actually know. There’s something more symbolic about their loss … and I wonder if it’s just the sense of “magnified life/larger than life” projection that has played a role in our lives that makes it feel like a personal loss … It’s certainly a loss of some sorts – there is a grief there … maybe for dreams or ideals that didn’t come true?

My brain was working through all of these thoughts as I continued with weeding. My thoughts returned to the beautiful colours at the Bay of Fires. The oranges of the lichen on the rocks set against the turquoise, greens and blues of the sea, lapping at the pure white sand. these are colours that I find so healing and restorative. And then, my mind flitted to the magnificent Aurora I had witnessed the other night. Having never seen an Aurora ever in my life, I have viewed two in one year here in Tasmania. I was aware my mind was being gently led by the Spirit and they were pulling out the stops to remind me how beautiful and incredible the world is.

How blessed are we to be alive? What a week. The sadness of loss, balanced with the incredible beauty of ‘life … of ‘being’.

That’s when Spirit decided to come knocking again (it’s always the way if you are doing anything remotely meditative) – but this one is for all of us. I heard clearly –

“There will be another one”.

For a moment I had hoped this meant another Aurora – maybe another road trip? But alas no – Spirit showed me the card I had pulled at the end of September … Three of Swords – (heartache/betrayal/break-up/divorce/grief/sorrow and sadness).

Oh, I see … there is some sort of ripple effect or imprint at play here too …

The personal loss in our own, personal lives awakens us to the things that matter in our ‘personal’ lives such as shared experiences, love, connection and kindness. The importance of family and friends. The “national” loss in our country or state reminds us of our sense of identity and the principles we hold dear and share as a nation. And then the “global” loss? Well, this is generally someone the whole world knows. Remember things going on at a global level are a reflection of what’s going on in our inner and personal worlds – but their passing also highlights so much that needs to be brought into the light, perhaps repressed grief that still needs to be mourned, cleansed and ultimately healed. Wounds that affect the whole world …

I realised too – there were 3 swords in that card, so I do believe there will be another passing – more emotional wounding at a global level. I was shown the death of this “global” person as being symbolic of the huge loss that is happening all over the world right now, from hurricanes and floods to the wars being waged …I also heard ‘game-changer’. I won’t describe in detail what I saw because as I said at the end of September I don’t want to manifest it (but if I said third attempt you may know what I’m referring to)… there will be change … and I am reminded of the Chariot card that came out at the bottom of the deck in that September reading  …

My advice on this remains unchanged from the beginning of October. We must still try to look to the HIGHEST timeline … we must continue to look for the good, the kind and the beauty in the world – and we must try to adopt the middle ground – as well as a practice of gratitude for the privilege of being alive on earth at this time. It’s hard to do that in the midst of pain and suffering – but gratitude is something to hold on to – even just for a minute – for one thing- in your day.

Change is coming and we need to be ready with an understanding of how we are going to face or adapt to that change <3 Is this something that we will carry with us, perpetuating deep ripples (imprints) of generational wounding, or will this be a turning point where we all come together and treat each other with love and compassion, healing the pain of the past?  

Yep, Spirit doesn’t give two hoots that it’s Sunday … but I got some dirt under my fingernails and pulled a few weeds out to make room for the vegetables that will nourish us through Spring.

As we face the rest of the year together, remember the incredible magnificence of simply ‘being’.

Until next time. Big love & many blessings to you xx

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