Hello beautiful souls I hope you’re all doing well. I was thinking this morning, wow it’s nearly the END of January already and I feel I am still in that “inward/introverted” zone of clearing the decks, clearing the energies of 2024 before I welcome in the fresh, shiny, super-focussed plans of 2025 plans. though it may seem like I’m behind the curve, my energy has been super-charged and positive – I’ve been working with clients, I’ve been painting and I’ve been doing “all the things”, (even a tiny bit of socialising with a new neighbour) but much of my “inward thoughts and energy” has been focussed on all the things I wanted to finish in 2024. This in itself is worthy of note since my last blog post was titled, “Unfinished Business”. Interestingly, in my New Year Reading 12 months before, I drew the Hermit card for December 2024 … The Hermit Card, is a Major Arcana card and it feels like January is still in The Hermit energy (for me at least).
Numerologically speaking The Hermit is a 9 and the 9’s are generally about looking back (or looking inward) to see how far you’ve come – it’s the penultimate step in the journey to 10 (which is all about the end of a cycle). Hmm I’ve just realised when you add up the year we are in – 2+0+2+5 = 9. Woooo …. Co-incidence?
The Hermit is all about who we are, what we want and how we can achieve it. According to Thoth it combines two valuable extremes: the depth of experience and the high level of recognition. People generally have mixed emotions about the Hermit Card. It can signal a time of fear or loneliness – even abandonment … but I would say that’s a misunderstanding of the true nature of The Hermit. Or should I say, at least a misunderstanding of ALL the facets of the Hermit.
If you follow the call of The Hermit voluntarily you will feel enriched and dare I say it “empowered” with a sense of being grounded, self-sufficient, full of light, strength and a quiet, contented happiness. Think about snuggling up with a good book while the wind is howling outside – that’s Hermit energy. I do understand though, if you don’t want that time alone, or that introspective time, it can feel tough. I have felt both those extremes in my life. Nowadays, for me, it’s a call back to focus on what’s important, and perhaps that is the message – even when things are tough – focus on what you want, and how you can achieve it.
So with all that said, I have two things I wish to focus on this year. One is about my writing time. I have spent my whole career, writing for others and mentoring others (which I still love and still feel so lucky to do), but “me” the writer’ gets squeezed out. It’s my fault because I take on and do “all the things” …lol… which brings me on to my second thing “establishing healthier boundaries” which will in turn give me more time to write.
As Mr P says, yes it’s nearly the end of January – BUT – “it is still January”, so I can make good on that promise to myself … you will see much more “random” writings from me as the year progresses 😊
So my question to you is – imagine you are sitting in the Hermit energy right now. Do you feel lonely, or do you feel excited and invigorated to have this alone time to plot and plan the journey to your dreams? I’ll share my thoughts on loneliness in another post … but for now, what brings you that warm glow inside? It doesn’t have to be off-the charts happiness – it can be a gentle, comforting, quiet feeling.
I may still be feeling a tad introverted, I may still be sorting out my unfinished business, but in writing this post, I made one tiny step into the new shiny, promise for a super-focussed new year. And that’s all it takes – little steps heading in the direction you wish to travel.
If you had big plans for 2025 – relax – it’s still January after all. I hope you are all living gently and giving space and time to your inner Hermit.