Seeing things in a new light

Hello, hello beautiful souls. How are you all?  I wanted to check in and find out what’s happening in everyone’s lives right now.  In my last blog (for the Pisces Blue Moon) I spoke about great truths being revealed and emotional matters being illuminated or, if you have been feeling disconnected, a feeling of being reconnected again. It can feel like the return of your mojo or VaVavVoom and it’s a wonderful feeling when we connect again. There’s a collective sigh of relief, a sense of release, once the great dark tumultuous waves have finished tossing and crashing us around, the energy dissipates, and all becomes calm.

For me personally, there is a feeling of ‘course reset’. As I reflect over the past 18 months there’s a feeling of having been picked up, shaken up like one of these snow globes, before being, quite literally and metaphorically, set down in a new place.

As I write, I’m looking for cupboard space for elements of my old life, things that were important enough to bring with me in endless boxes, and yet I’m struggling to find a place for them here. There is a feeling that I am not meant to simply re-create the old life in a new location. There is a feeling that I’ve been set down in this new place, changed by all that came before, and I need to connect with all that was brought to the surface and illuminated.

In my life, this translates to getting serious about my passions, my work, and how I can honour what I came here to do. For instance, I’ve realised with my writing I have been so busy writing for others (and I mean predominantly faceless, corporate entities) that I ‘neglected’ to carve out time for ‘my’ writing. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do – it really is a passion and I’m so lucky to have made a career out of writing – but seeing my own voice being accredited to others or, suppressed and lost in amongst it all can be painful. I worked so hard to find that voice, so I don’t want to pretend that my dreams and ambitions for myself don’t matter to me anymore. I’ve made that decision to stop neglecting myself and dedicate at least one day a week to my own writing projects and to getting my own voice out there again. I used to love writing features for magazines, and I loved writing poetry for the sake of it. I used to love automatic writing in the wee small hours, sharing channelled messages, or just sitting in quiet contemplation with my journal. There seems to be a vibrant community of writers here in Tasmania, so I might feel into that and see where it leads. I have a real desire to connect back to all of that, to reclaim my own authentic voice. I don’t have anything to prove to myself anymore. It’s time to re-connect.

I can also see so many collaboration projects with my sister. Her illustrations inspire me, and I always dreamed, with a family of artists, designers, and a writer, that we could all work together someday, so I plan to commit more time in that direction too.

We are coming up to a New Moon in Virgo, so it’s the perfect time to get organised. There’s real work to be done here, redecorating the house, planting new seeds outdoors, re-establishing myself and Gaia’s Light in a new community, and creating the vision I have had for Write from Source. There was so much upheaval, but now – I feel excited. We are all entering a powerful time of transformation and I feel our spirits are feeling rejuvenated somewhat. Are you feeling this too?

There’s something about the light here – and the air. It’s cleansing, invigorating, and inspiring and I feel renewed somehow. That’s all well and good, I muse to myself, but I’m going to have to go out and buy some new cupboards ….

2 thoughts on “Seeing things in a new light

  1. Nickie Millard says:

    It does seem to have been a bit of a tumultuous time for many people…. Especially on the emotional/mental levels.
    So many I speak with are all relating big upheavals of emotions, which then in turn affect their mental wellbeing.
    Although painful and unsettling, this turbulence is such a gift as it provides a wonderful opportunity to work through issues and blocks that have been holding us back from living to our full potential… and living our life fully.
    It is a Blessing ✨
    Such exciting times for Gaia’s Light… You are in the right place, at the right time … I am certain that you will shine brighter than ever before, and I can’t wait to see it all unfold 🙏✨💜😊

    • Evie McRae says:

      It really is a blessing.✨ The challenging part can be ‘remembering’ this as we are actually going through it. I do feel this is where we are meant to be, so yes – there is a sense of excitement here too. Thank you for your support beautiful soul 🙏✨💜

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